I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My 2013 Poster Calendar is available on my Etsy shop!

I restarted my Etsy Shop, Chiaki's Orchard. I've just added my 2013 Calendar! I'm going to add more items, like greeting cards, prints and hand-carved stamps soon~!

私のオンラインショップ、Chiaki's Orch

Monday, December 17, 2012

Renegade Holiday Fair 2012

It was very exciting to be a part of this fair. So many great artists and shops... Also, thanks to my friends, Sansu, HJ and Felicia, who I shared a booth with me and our husbands who worked so hard to set up our booth, and Maya who helped me as a seller!

2日間のフェアが無事終了しました!たくさんの素晴らしいアーチストの方々の作品に触れられて、とても良い刺激になりました。そして、一緒に参加したSansuHJFelicia, どうもありがとう!それから、ブースのセットアップに協力してくれた素敵な旦那様たち、売り子のお手伝いしてくれたまや、どうもありがとう〜!

My calendar.
My hand-carved stamps.
My greeting cards.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Santa in the car!

Last week, we were driving on the street. When I looked through the rear view mirror, I found a Santa Claus-looking old guy in the car behind us! He wore a black clothes and a baseball cap, but he couldn't hide his  beautiful white long beard... I told Maya that Santa is behind us. She looked back and was so surprised. Then, we guessed that he came to check all the kids in San Francisco are being good or not secretly! So Maya behaved very nice in the car, while the car was behind us. ^^


Friday, November 30, 2012

News: Calendar 2013

My original calendar for 2013 has just arrived! This time, I made a 11x14 poster calendar. I think it came out really cute! I'm going to sell them at Renegade Craft Fair in SF on Dec 15&16. I'll also make them available at my Etsy shop soon.

12月15−16日のRenegade Craft Fair in SF で販売します。近々、Etsyでも販売する予定です。

News: Lemonade Illustration Agency

Now I'm represented by Lemonade Illustration Agency in London, UK! I'm really excited that my illustration is promoted not just within USA, but globally. Thanks to the power of Internet! I feel the world is getting smaller.
I'm looking forward to the coming new year, 2013!

この度、ロンドンのLemonade Illustration Agencyに私の作品をプロモーションをお願いすることになりました!アメリカ国内だけでなく、世界中に私の作品が広まっていくと思うとワクワクします〜!もう国境なんて関係ない。インターネットありがとう!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Working toward Renegade Craft Fair!

I'm going to participate in Renegade Holiday Fair in SF with my artist friends again! I'm creating several new greeting cards, calendar for 2013, hand-carved stamps... I just received Mini Cards with Renegade logo. They came out really cute!
If you happened to be in SF on 12/15-16, stop by!

今年も友達とRenegade Holiday Fair in SFに参加することになりました。今は、フェアに出品する新しいカード、来年のカレンダー、消しゴムはんこなどの制作に大忙しです。フェアのためのRenegadeロゴ入りミニカードが届きました。かわいい仕上がりに満足。

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn Gift

This scene caught my eyes this morning, while I was driving back from Maya's school. A small girl had a big leaf on her hands and was giving it to her friend on the street. I guessed it was her great found this morning and she wanted to share it with her friend...
I notice that children love to give. Almost anything can be a gift, when they feel strongly about it. They love to make someone happy with their gifts. Even the mothers of these children had smile on their faces.
The innocence of children quickly spread around them and warms up the hearts of everyone around.


Thursday, October 25, 2012


When we went to Sunday mass in the church, Maya took her small kaleidoscope with her. That church has many beautiful stained grass. Maya looked at them through her kaleidoscope and got so excited. I looked through it, since she insisted. The world was 100 times more beautiful than realty!
Children are the experts to find the way to look at the world from a different perspective!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mom's smell

The other day, Maya was laying with a cushion on the sofa. Suddenly, she came to me and said excitedly, "This cushion has Mom's smell!" Then, I remember I used the cushion to raise my head last night, since I had suffered from severe cough for a few days. She smelled my hair and said, "Yes, it is Mom's hair smell!"
I was amazed how she remember the smell of my shampoo and at the same time I felt shy. I guess I'm a real mother after all!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Harvest Moon

In Asia, people celebrate the full moon in autumn. Maya learned at her Japanese After school that September 30 is the harvest moon this year. She wished the day will be nice weather without typical fog in San Francisco. Yes, it was a gorgeous day and we saw a beautiful full moon! It was so big and bright. We sang a moon song in Japanese and looked at the moon through a binocular. We appreciate this special night given by nature and enjoy the bright moon light.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Space Shuttle Endeavor

I got to know the news on Facebook that Space Shuttle Endeavor will have the final flight in California. My husband and I were exited to see it, since it will fly above San Francisco. In that morning, my husband was outside in downtown with many other people to look for the space shuttle. I was at home following people's text messages on the web site. So I knew the updates of where it is right now immediately. Finally it came to San Francisco! The space shuttle was on the top of the huge airplane. It looked so cute, like a baby carried by a father. So it was hard to believe that this cute shuttle is the powerful space ship.
Thank you, space shuttle, you made human's dream came true!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Princesses in the playground

Maya and her friend were planning to have a princess tea party in the playground, so we went to the nearby playground after school, carrying two princess dress costumes. I thought it is going to be a quiet girl's party, but it was no difference from regular play date. Maya was running, jumping and climbing in  the dress as usual... I cannot expect Maya to be quiet in the playground.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Jazz Concert

We went to a Jazz concert at Jack London square in Oakland on a sunny weekend. John Santos Sextet played beautiful Latin Jazz. I love Latin Jazz in outdoor concert, because it is fun to dance with it, not just sitting on the chair. Toddlers are the best dancers! When the music plays, their body is already moving. They were so cute!

 よく晴れた週末にオークランドのジャックロンドンスクエアでジャズのコンサートがありました。John Santos Sextetが、素晴らしいラテンジャズを演奏してくれました。陽気なラテンジャズのリズムは屋外のコンサートにぴったり。コンサートホールの椅子にじっと座っているより、音楽と一緒に踊った方が絶対に楽しい!赤ちゃんはやはり一番のダンサーですね。音楽が流れ出すと、自然に体が動きだしている。とっても可愛いかった〜!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Okinawa, Slow Life #3 ~People~

Another thing touched me during the trip to Okinawa was the people. They love to chat and sharing what they have. Even in the market, they must be there to sell. But they seems like they are there just to enjoy being there. The pineapples from an old lady's back yard were so tiny, compared to the ones in the store. But it was so sweet and delicious! An old guy near the beach was watering the flowers in his garden every evening. He told me all about sea turtles. He invited us to his Shaved-Ice stand on our last day and gave us delicious Shaved-Ices.
When the life becomes busy, people tends to create walls around us and become protective. In the end, the life becomes survival and not fun any more. I think I understood why Okinawa people are easy going and have a long life.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Okinawa, Slow Life #2 ~Birth~

On the last evening in Okinawa, we encountered the most moving event on this trip. A mother sea turtle came to lay eggs on the beach. We could watch the whole event right next to her. She may be annoyed a bit by a big crowd, but she was so focused on her mission that she didn't care about us.
Just the same as a nature TV program, she made a hole in the sand and laid about 100 eggs in about one hour. It is a hard work. Sometimes, she took a rest and continued what she must do. It was very touching. I couldn't help appreciating the wonder of nature. Nobody told her what to do, but she knew exactly what to do. After everything is done, she went back to the ocean, trusting the life of nature.
I thought of human. How much are we feeling disconnected from the mother nature, worrying about unnecessary stuff and being scared of life and death. If we just trust the nature inside us, we'll be sure about ourselves.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Okinawa, Slow life #1

We had a trip to Okinawa for one week, before coming back to San Francisco. We experienced a slow and simple life in Bise, Motobu-cho. When life slows down, you'll start to notice small things around you. This town was full of that. Dragon flies, helmet crabs, geckos, playing mantis and more. At first, I noticed every single small creatures all around me and every annoyed a little. But after a while, I got used to the environment and I melted into the life there. As if they accepted me as one of their friends.


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Two worlds

I recently made an artwork for Hiro, one of Maya's friends. He has a little sister, Miku. I'm always fascinated by them, because each of them is living in very different worlds. Hiro is interested in letters and numbers, not really physical activities. (though recently he is interested in sports, too) In contrast, Miku is very active and loves climbing!
Their characters and interests are totally opposite. But I think it is great to have brothers and sisters. Being together makes their world expand more than being alone.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On the way home

While I'd stayed in my home town in Japan, I noticed many things that are used to be normal for me, but not normal for me now. One of them is school children going home by themselves without guardians. In America, elementary school children are not permitted to walk by themselves. But in Japan, it is still normal. I used to go home with friends and go to playground by myself, too. Seeing those kids, it remained my childhood memories. Chatting with my friends, conflicts with boys, sunny days, rainy days.... Just 5 or 10 minutes walk, but it is filled with treasures.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bubble in the rain

We had a great time in Japan and back to San Francisco. Next a few posts will be the sketches of my memory from Japan.

June is a rainy month in Tokyo area. I'm not used to hot and humid summer now, so I was glad to have cool rainy days. Maya was a little bit disappointed by rain, but she still enjoyed it. Stepping out of the front door, she was blowing soap-bubbles. She said, "Bubbles and rain drops are playing together!"



Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Tomorrow, we are leaving for Japan for 3 weeks. This is not Maya's first time trip to Japan, but I can see this time she is fully aware that she is going. Since last week, she couldn't wait to pack her suitcase. Finally today, she did. Her small suitcase is packed with unnecessary stuff (?) and she is ready for the trip!

I'll post more when I return from the trip!



Saturday, June 2, 2012


We checked out a book called The Watcher - Jane Goodall's life with chimps from the library. The story of the life of Jane Goodall is inspiring and the illustration is beautiful. We were enjoying to read it for a good night story. There is a one page talking about massacre of wild chimpanzees and a picture that a hunter points a gun to a baby chimpanzee held by a mother. After reading, Maya started to cry and say, "I'm so sorry for a baby chimp!" It took a long time to calm her down.
Then I thought, "How should I explain to her that we kill not only animals but each other?" Should I teach her that human is cruel and we cannot do anything about it? Or we, grown-ups, should learn from children that human is naturally caring and compassionate being and we should notice how terrible mistakes we are making. I agree with the latter one.

The Watcher - Jane Goodall's life with chimpsという本を図書館で借りてきました。Jane Goodallさんの人生を綴ったお話はとっても感動的で、イラストレーションもとても素敵です。その本を寝る前にマヤに読んでいました。絵本の中で1ページだけ、野生のチンパンジーの乱殺について描かれている箇所がありました。密猟者が、お母さんチンパンジーに抱きかかえられている赤ちゃんチンパンジーに猟銃を突きつけている絵でした。読み終わると、マヤが「赤ちゃんがかわいそうだよ〜!」といって、おいおいと泣き出して、落ち着くまでにずいぶん時間がかかりました。

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Maya's Blankie

These are my old sketches of Maya and her blankie.

The day that I've never thought it will come has come. Maya stopped sleeping with her favorite blankie! Since she was a baby, it was her best friend. When she sleeps and cries, it was always with her.
It is embarrassing to say, but she still had a habit to suck her thumb. She promised us that she will stop her thumb sucking, when her 6th birthday comes which is coming in one month. Then, she figured out the way to stop it. It was the blankie! When she sleeps with it, she couldn't resist to suck her thumb. So one night she put the blankie to her toy box and said "Good night." That was it. After that day, she doesn't hold the blankie any more. It seemed like she said Bye-bye to her babyhood...


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We are a trilingual family. My husband and I speaks our native languages to Maya and English between us. Until recently, we didn't have conversation all together. Now Maya is getting better and better in English. She just wants to get into our conversation at dinner time and dictates it! She doesn't understand all of what we talk. But once she finds one word she knows, she joins us and talks nonstop, forgetting to eat! It is great to have family conversation finally, but also a little bit annoying.....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cherry flower petals

There is a cherry tree in the courtyard of the preschool Maya had graduated last year. She still goes there three times a week for Japanese after school program. So this it third year for her to see cherry blossom of the tree. I wonder how many kids this tree has seen by now? Kids graduate the preschool and after school each year and new kids come in, but this tree remains the same. Every year, it gives pretty pink petals for them to see and play with.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I see a hummingbird almost everyday when I get into the car in my garage. The bird is on the very top of the tree next door. He is so light that he can perch on the top of a very thin branch, while other birds find a more stable branch. He enjoys swinging with wind, then he flies away with wind.

ガレージにある車に乗りこむたびに、隣の庭の木のてっぺんにいる ハチドリを見かけます。他の鳥は安全な太めの枝に止まりますが、ハチドリはとっても軽いので木の一番上の一番細い枝の先に止まることができます。その鳥は風が吹いていても枝の上でゆらゆら揺れるのを楽しんで、その風に乗ってどこかに飛んでいきます。

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


At church mass on Sunday, a elderly couple was with a baby. While the couple was listening to the music by an organist and choir, the baby was in the best mood and giggling joyfully. He looked at the faces of all the grown-ups around and kept giggling. And all of us couldn't help smiling back to him...
Baby is a pure positive energy. He is more powerful than preach by a priest!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Show & Tell

Maya's class had Show & Tell. When we arrived school, her friends are so excited about it and asked Maya what she brought. All took out their treasures from their backpack and did their own Show & Tell.

マヤのクラスでShow & Tellがありました。朝学校に着くと、何人かの友達がもうワクワクして待ちきれない様子で、マヤに何を持ってきたか聞きました。それから、みんなそれぞれの宝物をバックパックから出して、その場でShow & Tellが始まってしまいました。

Monday, March 26, 2012

After Rain

It's been dry winter this year in San Francisco bay area. But Finally now we are having a few rain storms.
After the first rain storm, I went to Golden Gate Park for walking. And I found one tropical plant grew up so tall in this one week. Before the rain, they were trimmed so short, almost to the ground. But now they are taller than me! What a power! It looks like stretching their arms to the sky to enjoy the sunny day.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


My computer got sick last week and I needed to take it to the store for repair. After picking up Maya from  school, I explained to her that we need to go to the computer store. I said, "Without my computer, Mama cannot work and will be in trouble, so we need to go to the store right now..." But she seemed rather happy and said, "It's ok. If no computer, we can play together more and watch videos together...!"
That's right. It is not going to be the end of the world. Though the computer is a very important tool to create my works, I can do many things just with imagination and joy.
Sometimes, it is good to give a computer and my mind a break.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Family Hug

Maya told us, "Let's do Family Hug!". So three of us hugged together in one morning.
This is my favorite hug. Because it'll give me indescribable power to believe we can go through any difficult moments together.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Maya learned that winking is what cute girls will do, because cute characters from Japanese animation often do winking. But when she wink, one eye closes and the other eye becomes very thin. She asks me "Am I cute?" I answer, "Yes, you look really cute!" But she looks really funny!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Creative Process

I love creating stories, as well as images. Creative process is quite interesting, when I think of it. I don't work hard to create stories. When I come up with some characters, I place them on a small stage-like place in my mind and leave them there for a while. I wait until they make a story by themselves. I feel like I'm just watching them how they act. If I force them to act, it doesn't go good. Patiently, I just need to let them create a story. Then what I do is to sketch them on paper.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


In San Francisco, there are so many flowers blooming even in winter. Especially in Golden Gate Park. Among them, the most outstanding one is Magnolia. Large and white flowers are so beautiful. The tree is relatively thin in relationship with the size of its flowers and buds. But it looks light like snow. She must be the queen of winter flowers.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Maya's Dog, Lady

Maya's dream is to take a walk with her own dog. But we have two cats at home, so it won't come true for a while.
She got a stuffed animal dog, Lady (from Lady & the Tramp) from Santa last Christmas. Since them Lady is her dog. Lady is treated differently from rest of her dolls. She has her own bed and bowl. The other day, she tied a rope on her collar and went to take a walk outside, though she doesn't walk... Maya made her dream come true!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Waking up

Maya's school starts very early and waking up is struggle for us. I need to call her many times until she gets up from bed. At first, I just call her. Second time, I take her blanket off. Then, she curls up her body, cover her with the blanket again and sleep.... Third time, our cat goes to her and meows. Maya opens her eyes and pet the cat for a while. Finally, she comes out of the bedroom!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Suddenly, serious winter came to San Francisco today. But, until this weekend, it's been like spring!
We enjoyed warm weather and went to walk in our neighborhood a few days ago. Maya borrowed sunglasses from my husband and enjoyed the world through the sunglasses. For kids, the orange world looking through sunglasses is so magical. She was excited to see everything around her, like a newborn baby.
We can find so much magic in our world!


Monday, January 9, 2012


We went to Big Basin during winter break. Of cause, I was amazed by Giant Red Woods, but also variety of acorns on the ground, as I saw my mother-in-law and Maya were picking them up. Each ones have their own personalities. Fat one, skinny one, curry hair one and one that lost his hat.
Like babies, they are cute and give us so much joy, even they are so tiny. And like babies, they know that they all are special and only one.

冬休みにBig Basinに行ってきました。いつもながら、レッドウッズの大木は圧巻でしたが、今回は地面に落ちている色々な種類のどんぐりに興味を持ちました。義理のお母さんとマヤが集めたどんぐりは、太っちょがやせっぽち、くるくるの巻き毛のや、帽子をなくした子、と様々。