I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Waking up

Maya's school starts very early and waking up is struggle for us. I need to call her many times until she gets up from bed. At first, I just call her. Second time, I take her blanket off. Then, she curls up her body, cover her with the blanket again and sleep.... Third time, our cat goes to her and meows. Maya opens her eyes and pet the cat for a while. Finally, she comes out of the bedroom!


Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Suddenly, serious winter came to San Francisco today. But, until this weekend, it's been like spring!
We enjoyed warm weather and went to walk in our neighborhood a few days ago. Maya borrowed sunglasses from my husband and enjoyed the world through the sunglasses. For kids, the orange world looking through sunglasses is so magical. She was excited to see everything around her, like a newborn baby.
We can find so much magic in our world!


Monday, January 9, 2012


We went to Big Basin during winter break. Of cause, I was amazed by Giant Red Woods, but also variety of acorns on the ground, as I saw my mother-in-law and Maya were picking them up. Each ones have their own personalities. Fat one, skinny one, curry hair one and one that lost his hat.
Like babies, they are cute and give us so much joy, even they are so tiny. And like babies, they know that they all are special and only one.

冬休みにBig Basinに行ってきました。いつもながら、レッドウッズの大木は圧巻でしたが、今回は地面に落ちている色々な種類のどんぐりに興味を持ちました。義理のお母さんとマヤが集めたどんぐりは、太っちょがやせっぽち、くるくるの巻き毛のや、帽子をなくした子、と様々。

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Point shoes

Happy New Year!
I had a really nice time in Holiday season. We took Maya to the Nutcracker performed by SF Ballet. It was her first Ballet concert in her life. She just loved it and danced the entire show, watching the Nutcracker ballet on YouTube at home.
She adores point shoes, of course. Her soft ballet shoes didn't work well, but her sneakers are hard enough to stand up on her toes!

Best wishes for 2012!

私は、とても楽しい年末年始を過ごしました。クリスマスイブにサンフランシスコバレエの“くるみ割り人形” にマヤを連れて行きました。予想通りマヤはステージの虜になり、家に帰ってからもYouTubeのくるみ割り人形のバレエのビデオを見ながら、初めから終わりまで踊り通しました!
