I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Dress warm!

It's been really cold in San Francisco. We are used to cold San Francisco "summer", but not cold "winter"... Our heater is on for all day. Hanna likes her warm winter had that Maya used to wear. 
Please take care, everyone! Happy Holidays and A Happy New Year!!!

Happy Holidays and A Happy New Year!

Friday, December 9, 2016


I tend to post my drawings of my 3-year-old daughter, Hanna, more than the ones of my 10-year-old daughter, Maya, recently... But she is still definitely an interesting person to draw and write about. Sometimes, she comes up with some idea and works hard to realize her idea. This is when she invented the device  to lift her books to her bed. Since she sleeps on upstair bed, she had hard time to climb the ladder carrying many books. So with my husband's help, she created this book carrier!

最近、次女のはなの絵をポストにすることが多くて、長女のまやはすっかり脇役になってしまいましたが、まだまだ私がスケッチに残したくなるような面白いことをやってくれます! 時々、面白いアイデアが浮かんでくると、なんだか一人で夢中になって作ります。これは、自分の本を二段ベッドの上の階に持ち上げる仕組みを作ってニンマリしている時の絵です。そういえば、上で寝ているまやは、本を持って梯子を登るのが大変だとブツブツ言っていました。それで、旦那の助けを借りて、この”本運び機”を発明したのでした。

Saturday, October 8, 2016

I'm sorry...

Hanna started preschool in August. I also started my second career as a preschool teacher at the same preschool. It's been difficult for us to adjust to this new situation. Mom is in the next classroom, but she doesn't come to hug me, even I'm crying! It took her several weeks to understand it.
One day, there was a challenging moment for Hanna. She needed to say sorry to her friend. Her teacher was with her and took her time to explain what happened. It was first time for Hanna to be told to say sorry by other than family members. She cried with all her strength to get held from me next door. I noticed her, but I didn't go to help her. This is a thing to overcome by herself. On that day, she couldn't say it in the end. At home, she seemed very tired and disappointed by herself. I hugged her until she felt a little bit better.
Next day, the teacher found the right time and asked her to apologize her friend. It was still very difficult, but she could whisper "sorry..." to her friend with the teacher's help. Later, she came to me with big smile on her face and told me she said sorry to her friend!
It was a really tiny thing. But it was a really important step for her. She gained small confidence in herself. I'm sure next time she will do better.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

New Bagpack

Maya got a new bag-pack for new school year. On the day before the first day of school, she was so excited to pack her new bag-pack. She enjoyed being lazy during long summer vacation, but she seemed to miss her friends at school.
This is going to be her last year in elementary school. I remember her bag-pack was too big on her when she started kindergarten 5 years ago. Now it is just right size. Hope she will have a good time in 5th grade!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Sleeping together

We have a bank bed. Maya sleeps on upstairs and Hanna sleeps on downstairs. I sleep with Hanna on the tiny twin size bed, because Hanna somehow notices that I'm not there and cries in the middle of the night. It is easier for me to sleep with her even on the tiny bed than to walk to her bed every time she cries. Americans may be surprised, but it is pretty common parents co-sleep with kids in Japan.
One morning, when I came to wake them up after taking shower, I was surprised to see Hanna is sleeping with Maya on upstairs! This is what happened. When I was taking shower, Hanna woke up and called me. Maya noticed I was not coming, so she called Hanna to come upstairs. Then, Hanna climbed up the ladder with sleepy head and slept together peacefully.


Monday, January 11, 2016


Inspired by My neighbor Totoro, Hana is fascinated by acorns. She collects them when she finds it on the street. She takes them in the bag with her. Sometimes she sleeps holding them at night. Then, she cries in the morning, "Where are acorns?" Taking out the blanket from her bed,  here we find a few acorns sleeping in the bed!
