I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Giggling Man

Haven't you experienced you have hard time to stop giggling, when you shouldn't giggle?
According to Maya, there is a giggling man in our stomach. That's why you cannot help laughing, even though you know you shouldn't. It is not your fault. It is the giggling man in your stomach's fault!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big Empty Tent

We've just come back from camping at Del Valle regional park, the same camping site as last summer. Last year, one of her friends slept in our tent, but Maya didn't have courage to stay overnight. This time, Maya did the first sleep over in her friend's tent, together with her stuffed animal, pillow and blanket!!!
My husband was very excited about camping again and bought a new big tent and mattress for us to sleep comfortably. It turned out to be too big for two of us, me and my husband........ It looked so empty without Maya. It was cold and long night for us...
Maya seemed to have enjoyed the adventure and grow up a little bit again.

Del Valle regional parkでのキャンプから帰ってきました。去年お友達といったところと同じキャンプ場です。去年、マヤのお友達が私たちのテントにお泊まりしましたが、マヤにはお泊まりする勇気はありませんでした。でも今回、お気に入りのぬいぐるみとまくらとブランケットと一緒に、初お泊まりをやってのけました!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

At the farm

We had a trip to a goat farm in Pescadero during this long weekend. It is one hour drive from San Francisco.
Maya was so excited to see goats, but her first word when we got out of our car was "Stinks~!" Yes, it is a part of farm experience! We took farm tour, so we were able to see and touch their goats closely. Maya was running around with goats, feeding them and hugging them. We had a great time.
It was great to get out of city life for me, too. Living in country side has been my dream since my childhood. Now I really want to realize it!
