I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Friday, November 30, 2012

News: Calendar 2013

My original calendar for 2013 has just arrived! This time, I made a 11x14 poster calendar. I think it came out really cute! I'm going to sell them at Renegade Craft Fair in SF on Dec 15&16. I'll also make them available at my Etsy shop soon.

12月15−16日のRenegade Craft Fair in SF で販売します。近々、Etsyでも販売する予定です。

News: Lemonade Illustration Agency

Now I'm represented by Lemonade Illustration Agency in London, UK! I'm really excited that my illustration is promoted not just within USA, but globally. Thanks to the power of Internet! I feel the world is getting smaller.
I'm looking forward to the coming new year, 2013!

この度、ロンドンのLemonade Illustration Agencyに私の作品をプロモーションをお願いすることになりました!アメリカ国内だけでなく、世界中に私の作品が広まっていくと思うとワクワクします〜!もう国境なんて関係ない。インターネットありがとう!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Working toward Renegade Craft Fair!

I'm going to participate in Renegade Holiday Fair in SF with my artist friends again! I'm creating several new greeting cards, calendar for 2013, hand-carved stamps... I just received Mini Cards with Renegade logo. They came out really cute!
If you happened to be in SF on 12/15-16, stop by!

今年も友達とRenegade Holiday Fair in SFに参加することになりました。今は、フェアに出品する新しいカード、来年のカレンダー、消しゴムはんこなどの制作に大忙しです。フェアのためのRenegadeロゴ入りミニカードが届きました。かわいい仕上がりに満足。

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Autumn Gift

This scene caught my eyes this morning, while I was driving back from Maya's school. A small girl had a big leaf on her hands and was giving it to her friend on the street. I guessed it was her great found this morning and she wanted to share it with her friend...
I notice that children love to give. Almost anything can be a gift, when they feel strongly about it. They love to make someone happy with their gifts. Even the mothers of these children had smile on their faces.
The innocence of children quickly spread around them and warms up the hearts of everyone around.
