I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Sunday, August 15, 2010


We had a camping trip together with other families from preschool to Del Valle regional park in Livermore. It was first camping for Maya and most of the kids. Also it was first overnight trip together. So all the kids were excited to play until it became dark. They got flash lights on their hands and visited each other's tents. One of Maya's friends came to our tent to sleep. It became a wonderful summer memory for all of us.

プリスクールのお友達の家族とLivermoreにあるDel Valle regional park にキャンプに行ってきました。子供たちにとって初めてのキャンプ、初めてのお泊まり。みんな普段の生活から抜け出して大興奮でした。暗くなってきたら、懐中電灯を片手に、それぞれのテントを回ってお客さんごっこをしてました。お友達のひとりが「マヤちゃんと一緒のテントで寝る!」と言い出し、私たちのテントで寝ることになったり、とっても楽しい夏の思い出ができました。

1 comment:

  1. ソフィアBのママAugust 23, 2010 at 12:01 AM

