I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Chapter 2

During the holiday time, I had a chance to go to shopping with Maya. It was rare to go out just two of us, without Hanna. So I had a great daughter-mother time with her. 
Recently, she is interested in borrowing my scarf and some clothes and she is big enough to wear mine. When we were shopping, we gave advices to each other. I felt our relationship is different from before, like I opened Chapter 2 in my raising kid book. When she hold my hand, I was surprised how big and strong her hand became. She is growing up. I'm a little bit sentimental, but happy and excited to turn pages in Chapter 2.



  1. Oh!It is a touching story. Can I borrow your daughters for my shopping? Jin hates shopping and I think my son would be the same. :)
    Enjoy your chapter 2.

    1. Sure! But I'm sure son and mom have their own special relationship, too!:)
