I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Slow life

My job got slow down now, so my mind is slowing down, too.
Since Maya is able to walk longer now, we walked to her preschool one morning. On the way, we found so many flowers on the sidewalk we haven't noticed when we drive by. So we had a little bit of a biology class.
I mentioned in one of the posts that I don't like to drive a car and I enjoy biking with her. But this time we were even slow down to walking. The slower our life is, the more we appreciate small things in everyday life.



  1. I agree! You can see little thing when we walk and slow down. Thank you for sharing good thoughts.

  2. Thank for your comment, Sansu!
    When Maya was a baby, I used to stroll around pushing the stroller.
    (It was good work out for me, too!) But I noticed that I don't walk as much as before... I'm glad Maya is older and enjoys walking.
