I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We had a trip to Chicago for my husband's family gathering last week, for the first time in 2 years. Me and my husband made a brief visit to the cafe run by my younger brother-in-law. I've known him since he was a little boy. So it is amazing to see he is a musician, a father of a 2 year-old son and a cafe owner!
Cafe Mustache is very cool and fun place to have a cup of coffee. They also have live performances by local and national musician every weekends.
He and his wife inspired me a lot that it is possible to make living by what you really want to do, by hardworking and being creative.

カフェ マスタシュは、とっても居心地の良い、とってもおしゃれな場所でした。週末には、ローカルのバンドなどがライブ演奏をするそうです。

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