I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Friday, December 12, 2014


Hanna is learning people has different emotions. She knows when someone is crying, it is sad and the person needs to be comforted. Some phycologist says toddlers are selfish-being and haven't learn about other people's feeling. I don't agree. I believe people are feeling-being. We are born to be sensitive to other people's feelings.


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Love & Hate

Hanna is 20 months. She is becoming more and more mischief. Hanna loves her big sister so much, so she does everything she can think of, hitting, biting, pinching and etc. Poor Maya needs to survive them... Love and Hate is two sides of the same coin.


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Hanna is 17 months now. She is fascinated to sit on the chair, not her highchair. As soon as she finds a chair, she climbs up and proudly sits on it! It is really funny using her head as a lever, since that's the heaviest part of her body.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hanna has been a good eater. She eats everything I feed. But recently she became more picky on food. She puts everything in her mouth. But, if there is something too big or not tasty, it comes back out on her tongue, like an automated machine!


Monday, May 5, 2014


Hanna is walking very well by now. She enjoys discovering everything in her small world. Pointing with finger is fun! She finds everything from cute animal dolls to some magnet on the refrigerator... It is a lot of work to chase her around, but every moment with her is a precious moment that will never come back again. She helps me to discover many things in my life.


Monday, April 7, 2014

Sleeping together

Hanna had her first birthday last month! On her birthday, Maya was very excited and proudly telling everyone in the school about it. She was holding and kissing Hanna for a whole day. But, toward the end of the day, her mood was getting bad. When we were eating the birthday cake, Maya started to act out and be sulky. It was easy to figure out that deep in her mind, she is very jealous about Hanna… Then, before she went to bed, she asked us if she can sleep in our bed just tonight. So we slept four of us all together in the bed. Maya was so satisfied and slept well in-between Mama and Tata.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Baby sitter

I'm a very lucky mom, because I have two baby sitters at home. One is Maya. The other is one of my cats, Flip. As I wrote before, He is very jealous about Hanna getting all attention. But it looks like he is slowly accepting her and even he sometimes babysits her. He sits in front of her, showing his tail, and wags his tail for her to play. He is such a nice and friendly cat!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Dear Fairy

 Maya and her friend has been writing a few letters to the fairies who live in the bush in the playground.  They really want to find out if the fairies are real, not faked by their parents or someone. Last time they left their letters in the bush, the fairies didn't reply. Maybe, because of heavy rain that night… So they tried again. Then, guess what happened? The letters were gone. Instead, there were two tiny bouquet of wild flowers!!! Two girls were thrilled!!! Maya came home so excitedly and put it in a cup with water. She told our cats not to eat it, because it is a special bouquet from fairies.
They are planning to send another letters to the fairies next week…. The fairies are very busy that they won't be able to reply to all of their letters, though...


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Magic Portion

Maya came to the kitchen and asked me, "Mama, do you have anything juicy?" There were some fruits on the table, so I told her to eat them. But She took a container and started to mix stuffs! Milk, grapes, the skin of an apple and herbal tea??? I asked her what she is making, but she didn't tell me… She taped the sign saying "Do not drink!!!" and stored it in the refrigerator…  I just overheard the conversation with her and her friend, so I know what it is! It is Magic Portion! It's been in the refrigerator for one week already. What should I do with it???

マヤがキッチンにやってきて、「ママ、何かジューシーなものある?」と聞いてきました。テーブルの上に果物があったのでそれを食べるように言うと、食べようとはせず、入れ物にいろいろなものを入れて掻き混ぜ始めました!牛乳、ぶどう、リンゴの皮、ハーブティー。。。何を作っているのか聞いても教えてくれません。最後に、"Do not drink!!!"と書いた紙を張り付け、冷蔵庫に入れました。実は、お友達とマヤの会話を盗み聞きしたのですが、どうやら「魔法の薬」を作っているようです!!!その「魔法の薬」は、もう1週間も冷蔵庫の中にあるのですが、どうしたらよいものか???

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Clockwork Hanna

Last one month was the time for major growth for Hanna. She started to crawl, pull herself up to stand and almost make steps with support. So this sketch became outdated already! It was just when she just started to crawl. Her movement is so mechanical like a clockwork toy. It is really funny!
