I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

News: Creators for Japan

An arts & crafts show called Creators For Japan will be held in SF Japan Town this weekend (4/30 and 5/1). The goal is to raise money through art and crafts sale for relief efforts to assist the victims of Japan's catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and nuclear emissions. 100% of all net proceeds will be donated to Artists Help Japan Fund with Mercy Corps.
I donated some of my products from Chiaki's Orchard. I'll also donate this hand-stamped bags and cards I've just finished! Please swing by, if you happened to be in SF!

今週末(4月30日、5月1日)、サンフランシスコの日本町で、Creators For Japanというアート&クラフトショーが開催されます。今回の東日本大震災、津波、原発の事故の被災者の方々のためのチャリティーイベントです。100%の収益は、Mercy Corpsの協力によるArtists Help Japan Fundに寄付されます。
私もChiaki's Orchardからカードと、消しゴムはんこで作った、できたてホヤホヤのトートバッグとカードで協力させてもらう事になりました。

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Maya had been sick for a week. The hardest part for me when she is sick is to give medicine to her. It used to take 3 hours until she agrees to take Tylenol... Now, with help of Elmo, it became a little easier. Since she watched one of the Sesame street videos called Elmo visits the doctor, Elmo became her best friend when she is sick.
Using Elmo doll, I need to do a little play for Maya to take medicine. All other dolls cheer her while she takes medicine from Elmo.... It is annoying, but it works. So I need to do this play every time she takes medicine.
I'm SO glad that Maya recovered!

この一週間、マヤが病気で寝込んでいました。大変なのはマヤに薬を飲ませる事。以前は、スプーン一杯の薬を飲ませるのに、3時間ぐらい説得しなければならなかったのですが、今はエルモに少し力を借りて少し楽になりました。Elmo visits the doctorというセサミストリートのビデオを観てから、病気になった時の親友はエルモになったのです。

Monday, April 18, 2011

Love & Peace Inside

I found a nice song on YouTube. It is sung by a Japanese popular pop group called SMAP. I wish if they are better at singing... But the lyric is so nice.

Love & Peace Inside? (The link to YouTube)

"So many people wish peace in the world, but why don't people end wars?"
Right after we talked about it, we started a fight for a trifling matter.
Then, we were so upset that we stopped talking to each other.
We don't look like the ones who wish peace in the world.

We realized that our hearts are our world.
Our world that never stop fighting is the reflection of our hearts that never stop fighting.

If I change myself for better, the world will change for better, too.
We can bring peace to the world like that, in the way that nobody has ever imagined.
I'm going to change myself and I promise myself that I'll become the one who never have a fight for a trifling matter.
So I'll always ask myself,
"Do I have Love & Peace inside me?


Love & Peace Inside? (ユーチューブのリンクです)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We had a trip to Chicago for my husband's family gathering last week, for the first time in 2 years. Me and my husband made a brief visit to the cafe run by my younger brother-in-law. I've known him since he was a little boy. So it is amazing to see he is a musician, a father of a 2 year-old son and a cafe owner!
Cafe Mustache is very cool and fun place to have a cup of coffee. They also have live performances by local and national musician every weekends.
He and his wife inspired me a lot that it is possible to make living by what you really want to do, by hardworking and being creative.

カフェ マスタシュは、とっても居心地の良い、とってもおしゃれな場所でした。週末には、ローカルのバンドなどがライブ演奏をするそうです。

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dzia Dzia

My father-in-law was visiting us from Chicago for a week. He is very quiet and not so social. So I was afraid that Maya will get really shy in front of him. But, in contrary, Maya had been so friendly to him from the beginning! She hugged Dzia Dzia (Grandpa in Polish) and sit on his lap....
When Babcia (Grandma in Polish) visited us, it took a while for Maya to be friend with her, even though Babcia is very friendly and cheerful... Maybe Dzia Dzia's quiet nature made her feel secure? Anyway, Dzia Dzia had a great time here!
