I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Excuse me...

We went for hiking to Tennessee valley trail in Mill Valley. It is very easy access from the city and a very easy trail, but you are away from noises of the civilization.
While we were hiking, I noticed a crowd of hikers standing in front of us. "Do you want to see a snake?", they called us. As we get close to them, we saw a beautiful snake crossing the trail. He slithered gracefully and proudly. One of the hikers told us that this snake is harmless and called Gopher Snake. We all were just standing there as if we are waiting at the traffic light, until the snake crossed the trail and hide in the bush.

ミルバレーのTennessee valley trailにハイキングに行きました。サンフランシスコから車で20分位のところにありますが、一歩トレイルを歩き出すと都会の近くにいる事を忘れてしまうくらい静かで美しい景色が広がっています。
歩いて行くと、何人かのハイカーたちが道の真ん中に立っていました。「ヘビ見たい?」と、私たちに声をかけてきました。近くに行ってみると、一匹のヘビが道を横切っている所でした。ヘビは堂々と優雅にはっています。ひとりのハイカーの人が、このヘビは毒ヘビではなくGopher Snakeというんだと教えてくれました。私たち全員、ヘビが道を横切って草むらに姿を消すまで、赤信号で止まっている歩行者の様にじっとして、その美しいヘビを見つめました。

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today is Father's day. The relationship between a father and a daughter is a little bit awkward.
First of all, they are the opposite sex. They have very limited time to be together. So they don't have the same intimacy as a mother and a daughter. My family is not an exceptional. My husband, Jim, is having a difficult time with Maya, sometimes.
But this week, Jim really succeeded to entertain her with his hidden paper cut talent! He is always very clever with his hands.(better than me...) I didn't know he is good at paper cutting. He created a princess, a mermaid, a prince and a dragon, everything Maya asked. She was so excited about those paper dolls that she even slept with them. Happy Father's Day, Jim!

でも、今週は切り絵で娘のハートをキャッチする事に成功!普段から手先がとても器用な彼ですが、切り絵の才能があるのは知りませんでした。お姫様に王子様、人魚姫やドラゴンまで、マヤがお願いするもの全部作ってみせたので、マヤは大喜び!その日は、切り絵の人形たちと一緒に眠ったほどでした。Happy Father's Day, Jim!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Greeting from a cat

We have two cats at home. They are brothers, but they have completely opposite personality. Flip is very friendly. Flap is extremely shy and doesn't like human, especially kids... So since Maya was born, Flap has been having very difficult life. He hides under the bed for a whole day until Maya goes to bed. But recently Maya began to understand Flap's personality, so she doesn't chase him that much any more. Flap started to feel more comfortable to be close to her. He even says Hi to Maya in cat's way. You know, cats never show their affection directly like dogs. Flap touches Maya's face with his tail and just walks by, even without eye contact. But we know this is the best expression of friendship by Flap!


Sunday, June 6, 2010


San Francisco has a beautiful sky and clouds, because wind from ocean always blows. That's one of the reason why I love the city. One windy day, Maya looked up the sky and said "Mama, clouds are running so fast today!" Just like kids playing tag, beautiful white clouds were moving fast in the blue sky.
