I make sketches whenever I find something inspiring and touching. Those moments filter through my mind and create a small world in my sketch book.


Monday, September 26, 2011

A Crow

Almost every morning, we find a crow on the street near Maya's school where I park our car.
It's been more than a month since her kindergarden had started. I wrote about her first day of school here. Since then, she had up and down... Now Maya seems to be adjusted to her new life finally and she enjoys going to school everyday.
This crow have been watching her good and bad days, too. He became our friend in the morning. Our morning start with his Caw Caw sound.


Monday, September 19, 2011


I'm enjoying Indian Summer!
We went to Samuel P. Taylor State Park for hiking yesterday. We took an easy trail in Redwood forest. We found one really old Redwood tree. Most of old trees were cut down by pioneers. Redwoods we see today are the ones which grew after that. This old tree suffered by wildfire and has a huge hole that three of us easily fit in. But it is still alive. Young Redwood trees are growing out of the same root and surround the old tree.
It looked to me that young trees are protecting the old tree from human, saying "Don't cut down our Grandpa! Instead, you may come inside of him and feel his energy!"

昨日、マリンにあるSamuel P. Taylor State Parkにハイキングに行きました。レッドウッドの森を歩いていると、際立って大きな古いレッドウッドの一本の木を見つけました。このような古いレッドウッドの殆どは開拓時代に伐採されてしまって、今見る事のできるレッドウッドは、その後に生えたものだそうです。この古い木は、山火事で大きな穴ができていて、私たち三人が楽に入れるほどでした。こんなに大きな穴があいているのにこの木はまだ生きていて、同じ根から若木が何本も生えています。

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cat Master

Indoor cats are usually very lazy. They will take nap all day long. But, one or twice a day, there is a time that their wild side shows up. Not much they can do in small rooms, though. One of our cats, named Flip, dashes from the end of the bedroom and jump up on the cat structure in the living room as fast as he can, as if he is hunting a mouse!
Maya respects him for his speed and jump. She follows him to run as fast as he does and jump on the sofa as light as he does. Then, Maya looks at him with admiration and Flip the cat look at her in triumph.
